Professor Romeo Cardone is concerned with sorne of the most significant
educational problems in these times of accelerated technological change. She
points out the commitment of education to the formation of man, both as an
individual and as a member of society. New concepts and procedures are
proposed for the understanding of the human condition and of the corresponding educational tasks, while emphasizing the importan ce ofcurricula as the proper medium in the pedagogical process. Prof. Romeo Cardone conceives this process as a way towards self-fulfillment and, therefore, as an approximation to "peak experiences" in the terms expounded by A. H. Maslow.
Biografía del autor/a
Julia Romeo, Universidad de Chile
Profesora del Departamento de Educación de la Facultad de Filosofía, Humanidades y Educación de la Universidad de Chile. Pertenece al Confluent Education Development and Research Center y a la Association of Humanistic Education. Su materia de investigación concierne al Currículo y la Metodología del Castellano. Algunos títulos de su producción son se cambia o se innova en el currículum y Yo y el mundo.
Romeo, J. (2015). Educación y Tecnología,, reflexiones en torno a una armonización. Revista Chilena De Humanidades, (5). Recuperado a partir de