“Catch the opportunity”. Administrative transitions of Moroccan farm workers in Piana del Sele, Italy



Informed by qualitative evidence obtained from interviews with Moroccan farm workers in Italy, the article argues that the itineraries and the process of legalization of immigrants show that the agricultural sector can be conceived as a “Refuge Sector”. As it stands, the agricultural sector is where migrants can find a job and stabilize their situation in order to calculate their possibilities to obtain a legal status. Also, the results show that the type of permits owned by migrants do not reflect their legal situations but are the product of an opportunity they have been able to catch.

Palabras clave:

Immigration, Moroccan farmworkers, Refuge Sector, Italy

Biografía del autor/a

Yoan Molinero-Gerbeau, Universidad Pontificia Comillas

Universitario de Estudios sobre Migraciones (IUEM) – Universidad Pontificia Comillas.


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