
This section publishes information about the details for submission of articles, the journal launch and other relevant news. 

From the revolt to the new constitution: Reflections on the notion of dignity in light of the Chilean social outbreak



In this work we argue that the link between the notion of dignity and human rights makes it an ideal formula for the new constitution to adequately respond to the interests and hopes of the citizens that led to its genesis. In this vein, the first part of the research seeks to show the way in which dignity is related to the demands expressed in the Chilean social outbreak of 2019, as a rhetorical resource that offers a common semantic core to the various movements on the streets. Next, the discussion lands on the legal plane, taking contributions from international and domestic law, followed by an exposition, structured through the distinction between the relationship of dignity with negative and positive rights, to give an account of the way in which the satisfaction of the normative demands that it imposes, supposes negative obligations of abstention and positive ones to provide the conditions that allow to live a dignified life.


Dignity, human rights, Constitution, social outbreak, Chile

Author Biography

Hernán Ignacio Gómez Yuri, Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez

Hernán Gómez Yuri es licenciado en Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales por la Universidad de Chile y profesor a tiempo parcial en la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Diego Portales. Además, es académico adjunto en la Escuela de Derecho de la Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez y voluntario en el equipo de comunicaciones de Leasur ONG en Santiago de Chile.