Contra la Patagonia Judía. La familia Eichmann y losnacionalistas Argentinos y Chilenos frente al plan Andina (de 1960 a nuestros días)


  • Ernesto Bohoslavsky Investigador-docente, Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento


This article looks for the origins of the creatíon of the so-called "Plan Andínia", an alleged Israelí plot tended to build a second Jewísh State, this time located in Southern Argentina and Chile. Opposite to what has been proposed by most of the specialists in Anti-Semitism and communitarian memories, the origíns of this invention were not during the beginning of the decade of 1970, but in the previous decade, immediately after Adolf Eichmann's kidnapping in Buenos Aires.


Andinia Plot, Antisemitism, Neonazism, Argentina, Chile. Desde