Guardar la memoria de los muertos


  • Maciej Zietara Magíster en Filología española, Magíster en estudios latinoamericanos


The article presents a general overview ofPolish Iiterature dedicated to the Holocaust, from the poems and diaries written during the II World War by Jewish and Polish intellectuals, such as Szlengel and Mitosz. The authenticity of the story seems to be a paradigm of the Polish Iiterature on the Shoah: the authors base their works on theirpersonal experience, as survivors or witnesses ofthe Holocaust. The other problem undertaken by Polish literature is the very possibility of representing the Shoah. Written immediately after WWII,
Borowski' s stories deal with the adaptation process of concentration camp prisoners to the totalitarian system. Buczkowski rejects the traditional novel form and makes the polyphony ofvoices a genuine possibility of writing about the Shoah. Thc contemporary and slill working writers, Krall and Grynberg, base their work on interviews and documents of survivors, but their aesthetic decisions are totally different: according to Grynberg, the literary forrn is irrelevant and writing about the Holocaust should be the mere register of facts. Hanna Krall creates a sophisticated narrative genre between fiction and reportage and looks for an appropriate forrn to talk about the Shoah.


Polish Literature, Shoah, Polonia, Polish Jews.