A favor del derecho a la memoria: cinco notas provisorias


  • Pablo Salvat Bologna Director Magíster Ética Social y Desarrollo Humano, Departamento Ciencias Políticas y RRII, Universidad A. Hurtado. Profesor Facultad de Derecho, UDP.


This article aims to expose sorne items related to the following hypothesis: The reconstruction of democratic public culture of this country needs to recover its past time of human rights violations as common and collective exercise of the right to remember. This is justified by the following presupposition: It is impossible to build up a present or future decent society by denying or trivializing the past as if it were only epiphenomenicaL Prompted oblivions help to make unfeasible civil ethics, shared at public scenario; therefore they contribute to undermine the density of democratic way of Iife. All this is nowadays highly relevant: globalization with its dialectics modemity / modemization is prone to solve the codes of reciprocal recognition and the possibilities of righteous societies at national or worldly leve\.


Right to memory, human rights, public political culture, morality, civil ethics, democracy. (