Ricoeur and the implicit teleology in Freud’s work


  • Ana Escríbar Profesora Emérita Universidad de Chile


The paper analyses Ricoeur’s criticism from a philosophical perspective of what he considers the arquaeological unilaterality of the Freudian interpretation of culture; it examines his suggestion of a teleological complementation to the psicoanalitical arqueology –based on the hegelian phenomenology of the spirit– that might lead to an enrichment of Freud’s new understanding of self and culture and to the unification of language, divided by the “conflict of interpretations”. It emphasizes the permanence of the debate with Freud in the background of Ricoeur’s thinking, just as much in his study of the hermeneutic’s conflict as in his theory of symbol, in his narrative understanding of self and culture, and in his last foundation of ethics in the desire of being and in the effort to exist.


arquaeology, teleology, phenomenology, hermeneutic, symbol.