Notes on the hero's epic imaginary (From Homer to Cervantes)


  • César García Álvarez Universidad Metropoitana de Ciencias de la Educación


In this essay professor García studies the hero's epic imaginary, which can be applied both to the epic and the novel. To achieve this aim he chooses Homer from the epic, and Cervantes from the novel. As imaginaries he examines the hero's "name"; the "muse", "persuasion" and the "narrator"; "areté" and "virtus"; social imaginaries; woman; the image of the body and other themes in order to better appreciate the difference between the epic and the novel.


Homer, Cervantes, imaginary, epic, novel.

Author Biography

César García Álvarez, Universidad Metropoitana de Ciencias de la Educación

Doctor en Filosofía con mención en Literatura. Profesor Titular de las Universidades Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación, Gabriela Mistral y de Los Andes. Tel- (56-2)2693878- 2392292.