The essay focuses on Don Quijote in the perspective of the intense and variegated exercise of the will that characterizes the knight-errant. Cervantes' protagonist has decided for himself to change his life and give himself a new one freely chosen. Without hesitation, he makes ready to emerge in the world as other than he used to be. And, in fact, his voluntary determination is so strong that nothing nor any body can affect his free decision. The sense of his sudden conversión leads him to fight against different evils and their unpunished agents. His decision to overcome the enemies in accordance with the chivalry model, includes also the winning of the everlasting fame that comes to the wandering knights in his favorite novels. The election of this model of existence obliges him to adopt all the rules of living and morality proper to the chivalric code, overcoming thus his own will. Riding haphazard will be his sole protection to prevent the least slipping in the high ideals which he has implosed upon himself.