The essay focuses on the conceptualization of family letters as a form of autobiography. Weanalyse the postal exchange between Manuel Puig and his family [Puig, Manuel. Querida Familia: Tomo 1. Cartas europeas (1956-1962). Buenos Aires: Entropía, 2005; Querida Familia: Tomo 2. Cartas americanas. New York - Río (1963-1983). Buenos Aires: Entropía,2006]. The relationship with verbal poetry shows a framework that restores orality by creating the opportunity to glimpse that margin almost unrecoverable of the live event from everyday speech, specially in Manuel Puig voice and his mother. Also, we appeal to queer theory inorder to read sexual invisibility into these materials.
Lozano, E. (2013). El teatro de entrecasa de Manuel Puig: sus cartas familiares desde una perspectiva queer. Revista Chilena De Literatura, (83). Retrieved from
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