The idea of a new Flanders or of a second or simply of another one appeared in different moments in the territory of Hispanic Monarchy referred to Aragón, Catalonia or Messina. The memory of this war survived in the Spanish collective imaginary even long after the end of the conflict, when Flanders was an ally of the Spanish Crown against France. When Chile becomes the great military problem due to native resistance to conquest, the idea of a second Flanders will turn up in America. This article tries to show the process and contexts in which Flanders becomes visible in the discourse elaborated around the kingdom of Chile in the chronicles of 16th and 17th Centuries, until Diego de Rosales, the first writer to use the term “Indian Flanders”.
Chronicles of the Indies, Kingdom of Chile, War, Flanders, Dutch Revolt
Baraibar, Álvaro. (2013). Chile como un “Flandes indiano” en las crónicas de los siglos XVI y XVII. Revista Chilena De Literatura, (85). Retrieved from
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