In this article, the Spanish magazine Tierra Firme (1935-1937) is examined, paying attention, in first place, to the context of cultural politics of regenerational character that planned to reestablish the bonds with the Spanish American republics, after the turn-of-the-century crisis. In the second place, after a description of the magazine’s most significant characteristics as well as the team of collaborators working in it, some representative samples of articles and reviews about colonial topics are commented, which are organized in three sections: documentary sources, chronicles of the Indies and other colonial texts and, finally, articles with a predominant transatlantic focus.
Second republic, cultural politics, colonial topics, transnational relation
de Mora, C. (2013). El impulso renovador del americanismo durante la Segunda República: temas coloniales en la revista Tierra Firme. Revista Chilena De Literatura, (85). Retrieved from
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