This article proposes a theoretical journey through some conceptions of memory to think about issues associated with cultural contact: beginning with early theories developed in the first half of the twentieth century in Europe (W. Benjamin and M. Halbwachs), passing through the “memorial boom” in the 80s and 90s (P. Nora, J. y A. Assmann, A. Huyssen) and ending with concepts of cultural memory and collective memory that include a semiotic and anthropological point of view (A. Erll) or those concerned about global phenomena such as terrorism, migration, virtual communications and post colonialism that also require thinking in a transnational and transcultural memory (M. Rothberg, D. Levy, A. Baer y N. Sznaider).´Afterwards I discuss how this new paradigma could well enrich the analysis of phenomena such as forced disappearance, the transgenerational transmission of trauma or the discourses of human rights in South America.
cultural memory, transcultural memory, mediated memory, transgenerational memory, collective trauma
Saban, K. (2020). From cultural memory to memorys transculturation: a theoretical path. Revista Chilena De Literatura, (101), pp. 379–404. Retrieved from
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