Anthologies and their relationship with the international construction of the authorial figure. The case of Pasaje de ida. Una antología de escritores argentinos en el extranjero (Alfaguara Argentina, 2018)



Considering anthologies as cultural artifacts, in this paper we focus on the case of Pasaje de ida, published by Alfaguara, to analyze the ways in which the anthology can be thought linked to the category of gatekeeper, as an editorial mediation that has the purpose of making Latin American authors visible. We reflect on what functions anthologies fulfill in the national and foreign literary fields and what relationships exist between the anthology and the position of the authors in the international field of translated Latin American literature. The text explores the hypothesis that anthologies fulfill a productive function in both systems: the national field and the international field. This anthology is a privileged prism to think about the category of gatekeeper, and the ways in which authors are inserted into the market for translated Latin American literature.


translation, anthologies, literary field, internationalization, mediation


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