Print of the Basement: Collection of Clises of the Nacional Library of Colombia
Claudia Angélica Reyes Sarmiento
Escuela de Diseño, Fotografía y Realización Audiovisual, Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano, Bogotá, Colombia
This article is the result of a research project entitled "Print and printing in the National Library of Colombia: Graphic, Historical, Patrimonial and Aesthetic Analysis of the Collection of Clichés of the National Library of Colombia and the Publications in which They Circulated (1930 - 1960)", developed between the Jorge Tadeo Lozano University and the National Library of Colombia.
In 2015, some metallic printing plates were found in the National Library of Colombia. Since then, great interest has been generated around a series of images, shields, photogravures, texts and signatures (279 in total), which account for a part of the history of the institution and the country. These findings are due to the fact that the National Printing House of Colombia operated in the Library building, whose workshops were in the basement. That is to say that from there several publications were produced that enriched our bibliographic heritage.
Print clichés are objects susceptible of historical research, which expands the possibilities of working with documentary sources, which at the same time are historical documents, to reconstruct the past and present of Colombian society, the history of design and publications periodic, among others.
Bibliographic heritage, cliche, graphic heritage, history of design, National Library of Colombia
Reyes Sarmiento, C. A. (2019). Print of the Basement: Collection of Clises of the Nacional Library of Colombia. RChD: Creación Y Pensamiento, 4(6).