Since the implementation of the ILO Recommendation 202 during 2012, each country has been trying in different ways to fulfill the social protection floors established in the Recommendation. Because of that, this article presents the analysis of each implementation, starting without the beneficiaries results —as is common—, but through the Mexican national legislation analysis of the incorporation about the nine most important principles of the Recommendation, with the objective to identify if the proper compliance allow the establishment of a truly social protection floor for the poorest people, and if this one works as the international instrument determines it. Specifically, through the analysis of the Prospera program.
Social protection floors, Social programs, Social protection, Principles of the ILO Recommendation 202
Mendizábal, G., & Kurczyn, P. (2019). Influence of the ILO recommendation 202 into the Mexican national legislation: The Prospera program case. Revista Chilena De Derecho Del Trabajo Y De La Seguridad Social, 10(19), 63–84.