This study analyzes the distribution of resources carried out by the Regional Governments to different municipalities and social organizations based on 2 % of the National Fund of Regional Development on Culture, Sport and Security. The investigation tries to contribute to the literature on distributive policies, management and assignment of public resources, generating a theoretical discussion on the relevance acquired the criteria used by the regional government to transfer resources. The hypothesis presumes that the distribution of the National Fund of Regional Development of 2% answers to a political logic more than to criteria of socioeconomic and territorial type, that benefit those municipalities and social organizations that are near to the government of shift.. To develop this research the cases of four regions were taken.
Redistribution of resources, National Fund of Regional Development, municipalities.
Espinoza Muñoz, A. (2013). Policy discretion in resource assignments: Evidence from regional and local governments in Chile. Estado, Gobierno Y Gestión Pública, 13(22), pp. 63–86.
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