Reflexiones acerca de la vida de cada día en la Ucrania post-sovietica


  • Oscar Plaza


This article presents a personal reflection of the author about the social, political and economic reality in that country after spending a year in Ukraine as Visiting Professor. Despite being aware that today there is talk of postmodemism, he considers Ukraine as an industrial society, but not modern, since it lacks the procedures, values and comforts of modernity. He also notes the absolute failure of the communist industrialization model. Finally, he believes that domestic politics, with a necessary and strengthened rule of law, and its international relations, especially neighboring ones, will define the future of Ukraine.


Ukraine, Post-Soviet Era, Daily Life, University and Academy, Industrial Society

Author Biography

Oscar Plaza

Doctorado en estudios nternacionales de la Universidad de Denver, EE.UU; ejerció docencia en calidad de profesor visitante en Ucrania durante el año académico 1993-94; actualmente enseña en la Universidad Washburn de Topeka, Kansas, EE.UU.