La seguridad de Cuba en el mundo de las post Guerra Fría : viejos y nuevos desafíos y oportunidades


  • Carlos Alzugaray


For Cuba, security and development are closely related. Achieving this aspiration has been the central goal of its national policy for the last 35 years. However, the search for these goals for Cubans has become a very complex and certainly risky undertaking. In this paper, the concept of Cuban security is analyzed in three aspects: military, internal politics and economic security. We maintain that the end of the Cold War has not made the task any easier. The old dangers remain and have been exacerbated by the new international situation. The US hegemonic syndrome towards the island has been accentuated by the unipolar situation derived from the disappearance of the Soviet Union, which was previously the island's main ally.


Cuba, United States, Post-Cold War War, Security, Development

Author Biography

Carlos Alzugaray

Diplomático cubano, actual Embajador ante la Comunidad Europea, Bélgica y Luxemburgo.  Profesor del Instituto Superior de Relaciones Internacionales Raúl Roa García, en La Habana, del cual fue vice rector de investigación y estudios de postgrado desde 1988 a 1991.  Ha publicado numerosos trabajos sobre las relaciones internacionales de Cuba y es autor de Sistemas políticos: poder y sociedad, (Caracas: Editorial Nueva Sociedad, 1992).