El proceso de cambios en el derecho internacional de los espacios comunes


  • Francisco Orrego Vicuña


This paper analyzes the evolution of international law on common spaces –specifically the Law of the Sea, Antarctica and the environment–, a process that has resulted in a new form of control over these. We maintain that the success of this process lies in the role that consensus must play, which does not imply an attempt to form a system of world control or to internationalize these areas. Therefore, harmonious cooperation between national and international interests must prevail, as shown in the evolution of the law of spaces described here.


International Law, Law of the Sea, Environmental Law, Antarctic Treaty System, Cooperation

Author Biography

Francisco Orrego Vicuña

Dstacado internacionalista chileno, ex director del Instituto de Estudios Internacionales de la Universidad de Chile y ex embajador de ese país en Londres.  Presidente del Consejo Chileno para las Relaciones Internacionales.  Autor de numerosas obras sobre asuntos internacionales, en particular sobre aspectos relacionaos con el derecho del mar, el Sistema Interamericano, y otros.