Los noventa : una nueva agenda internacional para una nueva década


  • Carlos E. Pérez Llana Universidad de Belgrano, Buenos Aires


The world from the postwar period to the late 1980s was characterized, among other things, by the pre-eminence of an international paradigm based on the preservation of order and security. On the contrary, the world of the 90s looks to be a world of change, although it can also be argued that these dynamic forces always existed, only that the weight of preservation was stronger. In the 90s there will surely be conflicts, and they may even increase but they will have another entity. Now the emergence of a new international paradigm based on trade stands out, which comes to replace the old paradigm based on war. This work presents some of the issues that will mark the international agenda of the 90s.


International Agenda, Paradigms, International Trade, Competition, Conflict

Author Biography

Carlos E. Pérez Llana, Universidad de Belgrano, Buenos Aires

Director del Programa de Postgrado en Relaciones Internacionales de la Universidad de Belgrano, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Ex director de la Cancillería Argentina para América Latina.