El debate metológico entre "clásicos" y "científicos" en las relaciones internacionales


  • Julie Schmied


To understand both the methodological debate and the denominations assumed by the opposing sides, it is important to understand the historical difference between the United States, where the "scientific" line of analysis was born, and Europe, the cradle of the "classics." This approach gives priority to the study of problems considered important over the mere concern of methodological aspects. We argue that this debate between "scientists" and "classics" took place fundamentally in the definition of what was understood by political science and only incidentally in relation to international relations or international studies and sociology. The debate did not reach greater significance outside the United States because in Europe and Latin America international studies derived from history or law.


Methodology, International Relations, Social Sciences, Scientific Method, Latin America

Author Biography

Julie Schmied

Doctora en ciencias políticas de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Diploma de estudios internacionales de la Escuela Diplomática de España, y de ciencia política y derecho constitucional del Centro de Estudios Constitucionales de España. Investigadora visitante de Scott Polar Research Institute, Universidad de Cambridge, Gran Bretaña.