El problema de las relaciones Iglesia-Estado en México


  • Claude. . Pomerleau Colegio Saint George


Church-State relations and the political activity of the Catholic Church have increasingly become the subject of public discussion and controversy in Mexico. The resumption of the Church-State debate after forty years of relative tranquility and unshakable stability suggests that the foundations of this seemingly calm consensus may be shaking, or at least weakening. There are many political disagreements among Mexicans about the future of the Church. The problem is intensified by a crisis of authority within the Church, a crisis that has forced the Vatican to intervene. This paper examines the framework in which the various religious controversies and their causes took place.


Church-State Relations, Mexico, Catholic Church, Religion, Crisis

Author Biography

Claude. . Pomerleau, Colegio Saint George

Ph. D. en ciencia política, profesor de la Universidad de Notre Dame.  Es autor de diversas publicaciones sobre el tema iglesia y política.  Actualmente es rector del Colegio Saint George de Santiago de Chile.