Dilemas del desarrollo en China : 1949-1980


  • Peter Van Ness Graduate School of International Studies, University of Denver
  • Satish Raichur


The purpose of this paper is to identify, describe and analyze the implications of the main alternatives for a strategic line of socialist development that have been attempted in China during the first 31 years of the People's Republic, 1949-1980. In our view, there have been three of these lines, each constituting a different approach to socialist development, conceived in terms of its own basic logics and theories, implemented in China during a given historical period, which we have called Strategy A ( the strategic project of the First Five-Year Plan, 1953-1957), Strategy B (The Great Leap Forward, 1958-1960) and Strategy C (currently under study and already partially in implementation under the action of the Four Modernizations, from 1978 onwards).


People's Republic of China, Socialist Development, Five-Year Plan, Great Leap Forward, Four Modernizations

Author Biographies

Peter Van Ness, Graduate School of International Studies, University of Denver

Profesor del Graduate School of International Studies, Universidad de Denver (EE.UU.).  Miembro del directorio de Committee on V. S. China Relations, destacado experto norteamericano sobre política exterior china, y autor de, entre otras obras, Revolution Chinese Foreign Policy  (Berkeley, 1970)

Satish Raichur

Economista indio fallecido en 1980.  Ex Profesor y Director del Departamento de Economía, Universidad de Denver (EE.UU.); destacado autor de numerosas obras sobre problemas del desarrollo incluyendo The Politics of Aid, Trade and Investment (Sage, 1976).