Transnational voting rights: the case of Uruguay


  • Amalia Stuhldreher Agencia de Desarrollo de Tacuarembó


>The article examines voting rights of non-resident citizens and noncitizen residents (transnational suffrage) in the case of Uruguay. In the first place, it considers the historical and legal context, detailing existing mechanisms for foreigners' suffrage as well as those being debated for the implementation of non-resident citizens' suffrage. Secondly, it considers the quantitative dimension of foreigners' suffrage as well as the possible weight of non-resident citizens' electoral participation. The qualitative dimension is also considered, including perceptions of non-resident citizens, non-citizen residents and the electorate in general. Finally, it assesses the political and institutional impact of transnational suffrage in Uruguay.


Uruguay, transnational suffrage, citizenship, diaspora, migrants, democracy

Author Biography

Amalia Stuhldreher, Agencia de Desarrollo de Tacuarembó

Licenciada en relaciones internacionales, Universidad del Salvador, Argentina; Doctora en ciencia política, Universidad de Maguncia, Alemania; Investigadora, Sistema Nacional de Investigadores, ANII, Uruguay; conferencista, Módulo Jean Monnet de Estudios Europeos, Universidad Católica del Uruguay.