The high school student movement in democratic Argentina. A possible route for its continuities and reconfigurations. Buenos aires province, 1983 – 2013


  • Marina Larrondo Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento


This work is firmly committed on showing the path followed by the high school student movement in Argentina throughout 30 years of democracy. The formulated interpretative hypothesis is that, changes in its conformation and acting have gone through the articulations of the widest political identities within the framework of implementation and crisis process of the neoliberal economic project. The analysis gives a clear insight into the reasons and motivations why this sort of youth political participation have alternated between rejection and resignification of institutional politics as well as its implications in their collective frameworks for action and demands.


politics and youth, high school, student organizations

Author Biography

Marina Larrondo, Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento

Doctora en Ciencias Sociales por la Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento/IDES. Magíster en Educación (Universidad de San Andrés) y Licenciada en Sociología (Universidad de Buenos Aires). Becaria Postdoctoral del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Argentina con sede de trabajo en el Centro de Investigaciones Sociales/IDES-CONICET. Miembro del Equipo de estudios en Políticas y Juventudes (Instituto Gino Germani, UBA) e integrante de los proyectos de investigación PICT 2012-1251 (2013-2015) «Activismo y compromiso político juvenil: un estudio sociohistórico de sus experiencias políticas y militantes» dirigido por la Dra. Melina Vázquez